Concrete Genie follows the heartwarming journey of a bullied teen named Ash, who escapes his troubles by bringing his colorful imagination to life in his sketchbook.
Oddfellows worked closely with Sony Interactive Entertainment to develop an in-game cinematic depicting Ash's nostalgic childhood memories. We also created a series of backstory vignettes for the game's antagonists
The game’s setting is lush and alive, it's narrative heartwarming. Our latchkey protagonist Ash constantly revisits the ruins of Denska, the once-thriving port town he grew up in to doodle. Denska has been abandoned and overtaken by Darkness, but Ash can’t stand to let the town go. He’s faced with the opportunity to take action, given a magical brush and a mission to restore the ghost town’s beauty.
With a masterful sense of visual storytelling, the story is charming in its simplicity, full to bursting with warm, colorful memories and touching moments.
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